The first-ever Andersen Regional Partners’ meeting was held in India from 06 October – 8 October, 2022. In the three-day event, over 150 Global leaders and partners from 33 countries participated from the Middle East, Central Asia, Asia Pacific, and India. In addition to identifying potential collaboration areas and discussing the priorities for 2023, the event provided partners with an opportunity to interact with one another.

The primary objective of the event was to provide a platform to all global partners where they could not only learn about Andersen’s impactful work globally & in the region, but also, understand each other’s expertise and find synergies to succeed in pursuit of the foundation’s core values – Best-In-Class, Stewardship, Independence, Seamless & Transparency, and Collaboration .

Our sincere thanks to Andersen’s Global firms for their participation. It was a pleasure hosting you all in India.

Here’s a glimpse of the action packed three days: